Registration Fee

Registration Fee Payment Account:

SBI Collect

Registration Fees:

  • Scientists and Faculties : Rs. 500/-

  • Research Scholars/Students : Rs. 250/-

  • Industries : Rs. 750/-

Participation & Registration

Participation in International Virtual Conference is open for all the scientists, faculty members, research students, who are working in the field of Food Protectants & Infestation Control.

The registration for conference is must for all participants through online registration portal of conference website. The online registration form filled with all details is must all the participants. The conference e-certificates will be issued to only the participants who have registered before the due date and attended all sessions.

The last date for registration is 19th February 2021.

Abstract Submission

Abstracts for Oral/Poster presentation should be of maximum 300 words, including the title, authors and address. Abstracts should be prepared in MS−Word, Times New Roman, 12 font and single space leaving 1" margin on the left and right sides of a page.

The technical session to which the abstract belongs must be clearly indicated at the top left of the abstract page. Contact number and e−mails ID of the corresponding author must be clearly given in abstract. Abstract should be submitted on or before 19th February 2021 through online submission portal on conference official website. The acceptance will be communicated to the corresponding author through e−mail on or before 19th February 2021.

Conference participation link

International Virtual Conference will be conducted through MS-Team platform and the details of participation link to all the Invited speakers and registered participants will be communicated through e-mail.